Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de trickle

to tricklechorrear

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I trickleyo chorreo
you trickletú chorreas
he tricklesél chorrea
she tricklesella chorrea
we tricklenosotros chorreamos
you tricklevosotros chorreáis
they trickleellos chorrean
they trickleellas chorrean

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I trickledyo chorreé
you trickledtú chorreaste
he trickledél chorreó
she trickledella chorreó
we tricklednosotros chorreamos
you trickledvosotros chorreasteis
they trickledellos chorrearon
they trickledellas chorrearon

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have trickledyo he chorreado
you have trickledtú has chorreado
he has trickledél ha chorreado
she has trickledella ha chorreado
we have tricklednosotros hemos chorreado
you have trickledvosotros habéis chorreado
they have trickledellos han chorreado
they have trickledellas han chorreado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had trickledyo había chorreado
you had trickledtú habías chorreado
he had trickledél había chorreado
she had trickledella había chorreado
we had tricklednosotros habíamos chorreado
you had trickledvosotros habíais chorreado
they had trickledellos habían chorreado
they had trickledellas habían chorreado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will trickleyo chorrearé
you will trickletú chorrearás
he will trickleél chorreará
she will trickleella chorreará
we will tricklenosotros chorrearemos
you will tricklevosotros chorrearéis
they will trickleellos chorrearán
they will trickleellas chorrearán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have trickledyo habré chorreado
you will have trickledtú habrás chorreado
he will have trickledél habrá chorreado
she will have trickledella habrá chorreado
we will have tricklednosotros habremos chorreado
you will have trickledvosotros habréis chorreado
they will have trickledellos habrán chorreado
they will have trickledellas habrán chorreado

I would trickleyo chorrearía
you would trickletú chorrearías
he would trickleél chorrearía
she would trickleella chorrearía
we would tricklenosotros chorrearíamos
you would tricklevosotros chorrearíais
they would trickleellos chorrearían
they would trickleellas chorrearían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have trickledyo habría chorreado
you would have trickledtú habrías chorreado
he would have trickledél habría chorreado
she would have trickledella habría chorreado
we would have tricklednosotros habríamos chorreado
you would have trickledvosotros habríais chorreado
they would have trickledellos habrían chorreado
they would have trickledellas habrían chorreado

Participio presenteAnotado
trickling chorreando

Participio pasadoAnotado
trickled chorreado

Más verbos

Aprenda esto con
Opción múltiple
Juego del Ahorcado
Sopa de Letras
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